THE STORY: The ghost of a female having a cross engraved into her nose has on several occasions been seen in Glenwood Park at midnight reading a book. According to Ada residents, this ghost is the tormented soul of a long gone local person. EVIDENCE: Anecdotal.
THE STORY: According to local legend, between 1:00 am and 2:00 am it is said that headlights will follow you after you turn off of Highway 48 to Kalihoma Indian Reservation road. Traveling west on this road heading towards Highway 1, if you speed up, headlights will speed up, if you slow down, the follower will slow down. As you turn onto Highway 1, the car will stop, and then turn back to Kalihoma Indian Reservation.
THE STORY: According to local legend, between 1:00 am and 2:00 am it is said that headlights will follow you after you turn off of Highway 48 to Kalihoma Indian Reservation road. Traveling west on this road heading towards Highway 1, if you speed up, headlights will speed up, if you slow down, the follower will slow down. As you turn onto Highway 1, the car will stop, and then turn back to Kalihoma Indian Reservation.
EVIDENCE: Anecdotal Update. Jeremy Haddenham submitted this account which he said occurred in the summer of 1998: "My best friend Dave and I were just driving around late at night (12 am - 1 am) out of boredom. As were heading down this old highway, we noticed a car behind us that was coming up fast. We never noticed it before because its a long straight shot for a good distance. Soon it was right behind us and we thought we were going to get pulled over. All of the sudden the headlights started flashing from dim to bright. It was as if someone wanted us to pull over.. I even turned around to look to see if it was a county sheriff. The headlights were round on this car. Not rectangular like a more modern vehicle. We decided not to stop because it was clear it was not law enforcement. As we approached the main highway, the car backed off, turned around, and went the opposite direction.I never really thought much about this... Until I read stories from others describing exactly what happened to us that night. It still sends chills up my spine. There IS a ghost car out there! It's a black car and it's old. I'd say it's a late 50's early 60's Ford Fairlane or something very close to that body style. I could tell by the front grill, placement of the headlights, and the shape of the front fenders."

THE STORY: Kullihoma is located east of Ada, the county seat of Pontotoc County. Kullihoma is not a reservation. It is a 1500 acre tribal reserve that at one time was actively used as a stomp ground, school and community. Located about 10 miles east of Ada, Kullihoma has become a favorite gathering place for reuniting Chickasaws. It is said that one can see bouncing balls of bright light floating around the tribal reserve. Locals claim these balls of light are actually little people, about two or three feet tall, usually seen by young Indian children if they were called to help these little fellows. They never die even when the children grow old---they simply seek out another person to train to doctor or just be obnoxious to anyone around! EVIDENCE: Anecdotal.
THE STORY: Kullihoma is located east of Ada, the county seat of Pontotoc County. Kullihoma is not a reservation. It is a 1500 acre tribal reserve that at one time was actively used as a stomp ground, school and community. Located about 10 miles east of Ada, Kullihoma has become a favorite gathering place for reuniting Chickasaws. It is said that one can see bouncing balls of bright light floating around the tribal reserve. Locals claim these balls of light are actually little people, about two or three feet tall, usually seen by young Indian children if they were called to help these little fellows. They never die even when the children grow old---they simply seek out another person to train to doctor or just be obnoxious to anyone around! EVIDENCE: Anecdotal.

HISTORY: In the years between 1913 and 1936, East Central University (ECU) and the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. were vying for a 250,000,000 year-old petrified tree. The Callixylon Tree, discovered on nearby Ada farmland, was the largest example of a petrified tree at the time of discovery. Dr. David White, head of the U.S. Geological Survey examined the fossil and decided it should be displayed at the Smithsonian. ECU supporters raised money for erecting the tree fragments into a tree shape and moving it to the ECU campus. Dr. White died before enough funds had been raised to move the tree to the Smithsonian and as a result the tree was given to East Central University. The Callixylon tree was formally accepted by President Linscheid in March, 1936. THE STORY: It is rumored that many years ago, members of an occult group would meet at the tree and sacrifice animals and humans. Late at night, it is still said that you can hear odd sounds, and see abnormal lights and shadowy figures. EVIDENCE: Anecdotal. One witness gives a variation of the legend, telling of a little girl was taken to the tree, beaten and sacrificed. He maintains that there is a little girl who wanders that area, and that there are little footprints in the cement on the sidewalk. He claims that late at night as you go up the trail, you can hear and feel her.

Perhaps the most haunted location in Ada, Wintersmith Park is associated with several hauntings. (1) The ghost of a man is reported to haunt the area below the dam in Wintersmith Park. According to witnesses, he is not malignent, but would rather be left alone. The spirit is reported to be very powerful and has been there many years. (2) According to one internet source this park was once home to a few monkeys. They were kept in a below ground enclosure with a chainlink fence over the top. A few other animals remain, such as deer and peacocks. It is rumored that "devil worshippers" broke into the enclosure and "sacrificed" the monkeys. (3) The ghost of a tied up woman is frequently witnessed weeping at Ada City Dam late at night. EVIDENCE: (1) There is only anecdotal evidence regarding the "ghost". However one witness maintained that the best way to view the ghost is to take a spot up on the bridge using night vision goggles. A former employee of the park stated that during his work along the dam and creek he witnessed no paranormal activity. (2) There is evidence that monkeys once resided in the park based on statements by local residents; however, there is no evidence that devil worshippers sacrificed them. One resident of Ada stated that people were shooting the monkeys with air soft guns so the monkeys were moved, not sacrificed.
I have never seen the strange things at Glenwood or Wintersmith Parks, but I can confirm there were monkeys. They were certainly not sacrificed though.
ReplyDeleteAs for the headlights at Kullihoma, we went looking for them and never found them. The balls of light: I have seen them multiple times in every season. There is a particular part of the area you must go to in order to see them, and it is rather creepy.
In April of 1979 a couple of clowns by the name of Charles Richard Smith and John Dewade Nixon came up with what they conceived to be a bright idea for a perfect prank to be implemented in a grand scheme for some monkey business at the expense of the Ada Police Department.
ReplyDeleteSmith, experienced in the ways of larceny considered to to be a simple matter for him and Nixon to liberate a few monkeys from confinement by breaking them out of detention in a catch and release sport planned for the police station parking lot.
As Richard explained to me and Tommy Smith there was considerable teeth to a resistance mounted against the plot by the poor sports involved who were totally without any sense of humor in the business at hand as they began competing with each other to see who might bring the most blood from the two jokesters, who, in fear and rage stabbed some of the poor animals to death.
I never heard any of the haunted tales of Pontotoc County as related here. However, when I was a freshman at Byng Highschool, and later, especially around a campfire, a favorite topic was the story of the hatchetman, an old indian ghost who was said to haunt the area around Senator Kerr's grave and cabin area.
The story was that he had committed some murders with a hatchet, and as a consequence he went to his grave without tobacco, so that he roamed at night with his weapon in search of people to ask for some tobacco.
As we smoked our cigarettes covertly around the campfires at night I'm sure that we viewed the smokes as a type of health safety than as a health hazard.
Not a one of us wanted to be without tobacco to give to the hatchetman if he should makee a late night solicitation for some tobacco to put in his pipe, it goes without saying.
There were monkeys in ada but some drunk people broke in and let them out but a few were killed by the drunk people before the Ada PD got to them. As for the tree, i have heard what it sounded like at the time, people screaming late at night. The others, however, i haven't witnessed nor heard of the others.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first moved to Ada I heard about a spot by a railroad track by main I think where they used to hang people and its supposed to be very haunted. Can anyone tell me more about that?
ReplyDelete4 men were hung there in 1909. They were thieves
DeleteThere use to be monkeys at Wintersmith Park. I remember them when I moved here in 1990 we could go see them and one of them bite a kid and had to be taken out it was in the Ada Evening News look it up.and it is spooky at night in the park. I moved away in 2000 but have since moved back . I know people use to say they could hear a woman screaming near the dam area.
ReplyDeleteI remember the monkeys, never knew what happened to them though. As far as the little girl goes, I had a buddy I used to work with that told me him and some friends were getting drunk in the park in the stadium part, started hearing some girl screaming, so they got freaked out and started walking back towards the parking lot. While walking back my friend told me a little girl appeared next to him out of nowhere. He said that was the last time he saw her because they hauled ass outta there.
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ReplyDeleteClose by Ada's Wintersmith Park is East Central University. I was working at the East Central University Center one summer eve in 2006, doing some maintenance. It was on a Friday and the campus was empty of students and staff. I was doing some maintenance on the swimming pool and would soon after leave campus for the weekend. I had locked the building up and was startled when I saw a young man enter the building which is unusual because the door didn't make a sound when he came in and it was locked! He was coming towards me and I greeted him but he was silent. The hair raised up on my neck when I realized the young man was a pale blue which I recognize as the color of a person that is recently having died and he was transparent. The young man also seemed unusual in that he was wearing outdated red tennis shorts from the 1980's and a white t-shirt. By then he had passed by me and walked towards the entrance by the tennis courts. Pausing by the exit to look at student pictures on the door of the student services office, he turned and walked through the exit door! That really got my attention then because that door did not open up for him to leave. And I promptly left the building and campus also. I have seen this entity since walking next to our everyday students. These students were completely unaware of his proximity!
ReplyDeleteI'm 28 now, but I remember going to see the monkeys when I was little (3-4 years old). They've just filled in the big below-ground enclosure within the last five years I believe. I noticed it was gone last year.
ReplyDeleteWe were on Hwy 1 at the Kalihoma road in 1974 and saw lights in the sky keeping up with us in the car,we thought it might be a helicopter until it met a larger stationary set of light much bigger, they both just hovered in the sky. They seemed to be less than a quarter mile away, we stopped the car and got out, there was no sound and the lights never moved. After about 15 minutes we decided to leave, got a little nervous. There were 4 of us in the car, all saw the same thing.
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ReplyDeleteI've visited the dam a few times at night and I haven't seen anything yet.